DISC Extended Stay Support Scheme

The DISC Extended Stay Support Scheme (DESSS) has the aim to enhance scientific collaborations and diminish the carbon footprint of scientific research activities. DISC 2023 attendees are encouraged to combine their visit to L’Aquila with collaborations with local researchers.

This support scheme is primarily intended for participants travelling long distances and must be combined with an attendance to DISC. Upon acceptation, research institutes involved in this mechanism will cover standard expenses (accommodation, living expenses and traveling fees, plane excluded) and will provide material support for research activities. In particular, we would like to encourage people who have to take an overseas flight to extend their visit in Europe, and we would like to encourage people from Europe to take a longer train ride, by providing a possible research stop halfway through. E.g., researchers from northern Germany could stop in Austria/Switzerland to make the one long trip, two manageable train rides.

How to apply to the DISC 2023 Extended Stay Support Scheme?

Application to the DISC 2023 Extended Stay Support Scheme is made by the visitor and should be send to Laurent (laurent.feuilloley@univ-lyon1.fr) and Tijn (tdevos@cs.sbg.ac.at). The application should include:

  • The name of the visitor (the DISC attendant) mentioning their affiliation, city and country of origin
  • The name of the local collaborator(s) you would like to work with. Feel free to list multiple people, and we will look what’s possible.
  •  The dates of the visits
  • Few lines describing the subject of the collaboration

Specific constraints:

  • For applying, the visitor should attend DISC 2023
  • Dates of the visit do not have to be adjacent to the conference dates as long as the applicant avoids traveling by plane in between
  • If too many applications are received, further criteria of selection may have to be applied, such as favoring long distance participants or applying first come first served policy.

The research units participating to the scheme are the following. In case of multiple names at one institute, there is the possibility of collaborating with either or both, please indicate your preference. If you have a research unit/collaborator in mind that is not listed, feel free to contact us. If you’d like to add your name to the list, let us know.

If you have your own funding, but are interested in working with any of these people, we’re happy to introduce you to each other; just send us an e-mail!

Participating hosts:

  • Ruben Becker and Nicola Prezza (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, on a topic related to Regindex, https://pric.unive.it/projects/regindex/home)
  • Michele Scquizzato (University of Padova, Italy)
  • Sebastian Forster and Robert Elsässer (University of Salzburg, Austria)
  • Laurent Feuilloley (University of Lyon, France)